Mørkets Lys - SAK Kunstbygning
The lights are turned off at SAK
Yes, it is right – we are 6 artists who has turned off the lights, darkened SAK Kunstbygning in Svendborg and invited everyone inside to see the exhibition ‘Mørkets Lys’ (The light of the darkness).
I show the brand new rings ‘A Real Princesesse’ at the exhibition.
The thoughts behind my ring are:
To be in the spotlight as a queen, to create a ring for a queen who is a queen / a first lady worthy.
‘A Queen Worthy – First Ladies’ immediately made me think about what a real queen is. There are, of course, those we all know from the various European royal houses; they are born to the title.
There are the women who are ‘queens’ and first ladies both of office but also of heart, mind and power. It is women like Michelle Obama, Emma Watson, Greta Thunberg, Emma González who all work and fight hard and with their heart for a cause. That list of queens is long, very long.
But then there are also the few who are just: ‘A Queen Worthy’ who have been tested, have passed the test and have shown that they are ‘a real princess’.